Zan KavtaskinDon’t use Little’s Law at user story level in software engineeringLittle’s Law cannot be used to accurately predict when an individual user story will be delivered due to underlying user story data…Oct 29, 2023Oct 29, 2023
Zan KavtaskinSoftware development best practices that reduce cycle time and lead timeDuring my tenure as a Software Delivery Director at MHR is when I have realised that lean manufacturing cannot be applied literally to…Jan 14, 20221Jan 14, 20221
Zan KavtaskinLean software development, reporting and visualising lead and cycle timeIn the previous articles I have discussed lead and cycle time, and proposed that it is possible to use these metrics to run experiments and…Jan 14, 20221Jan 14, 20221
Zan KavtaskinLean software development, introducing lead and cycle timeIf manufacturing methods cannot be applied literally then let’s explore how they can be applied laterally.Jan 13, 2022Jan 13, 2022
Zan KavtaskinFun social experiment that shows handovers are inefficient in software engineering contextSo once again I have run a game experiment. This time it was a much larger, over 70 people participated in about 8 teams.Jan 13, 2022Jan 13, 2022
Zan KavtaskinOne-piece flow is inefficient for software developmentI have been fascinated by one-piece flow and small batches for a long time, this is of-course due to my weird obsession with Lean…Jan 13, 20221Jan 13, 20221
Zan KavtaskinLean manufacturing cannot be applied literally to software developmentAgile methodologies borrow ideas from lean manufacturing. While some ideas such as standards, components, trunk-based development, and…Jan 13, 20222Jan 13, 20222